Artificial Sun tokamak reactor in China

"Artificial Sun" tokamak reactor in China

Schema Interoperability and Upgrades

  • By Artem V. Shamsutdinov
  • August 19th, 2021

Naturally occurring

Another issue that has been bugging me for quite some time is how exactly schema upgrades will work. My initial thoughts have been about building a framework that will enforce backwards compatibility for schemas. Switching to natural DAO logic lead me to re-think the approach and make it more natural, give more freedom to schema developers and define schema interoperability rules.

Progressive DAO logic

I arrived at the new vision for schema upgrades by first thinking about progressively enhancing DAO flexibility. I'm now of the opinion that supporting declarative validation for @Save operations is still a good idea. This is because the reability of simple structural validation rules is much better than readability of the same version in TypeScript.

For example, given Parent and Child entities:

export class Parent {

    key: number;

    value: string;

    @OneToMany({mappedBy: 'parent'})
    children: Child<[];

export class Child {

    key: number;

    value: string;

    parent: Parent;

The parent entity's dao @Save rule might start out as

export class ParentDao extends BaseParentDao {



Notice the new @Api() decorator, it will now be used to denote a publicly facing API and will expose the Dao (or any other injectable class) to the client libraries as a callable API.
The above case illustrates the most basic save API - a Parent object with any combination of properties, values and child objects will be accepted (as long as they pass the schema validation rules of the database).
But let's say the schema developer wants to do some structural and basic value validation on the passed in entities. Well a declarative way to do so appears to be the most natural (and most readable) choice.

export class ParentDao extends BaseParentDao {

        key: Y,
        value: Y

        key: Y,
        value: Y,
        children: [{
            key: Y,
            value: Y


In the above example there are two distinct APIs, one accepts Parent entity by itself only and the other accepts Parent entity with children. These are very easy to read and understand and make perfect sense at a glance. However, they are limited in functionality and saveWithChildren is a bit ambiguous - will it work if no children objects are passed in? More functionality can be added to these structural rules, but at a cost of some readability:

export class ParentDao extends BaseParentDao {

        key: Y,
        value: 'A'

        key: Y,
        value: 'A' || 'B',
        children: [{
            key: Y,
            value: null || 'A' || 'B'
        }, some(0, 2, {
            key: Y,
            value: 'C' || 'D'
        }), any(2)] || null


The above example is very precise in what values and child objects it will accept, even declaring a range on the number of child objects and specifying that no child objects is also OK for saveWithChildren. But this comes at a cost of having to support the logical OR (||) operator as well as a static invocation of functions. But more importantly it is now harder to read and takes some effort to understand (makes sense logically but is a mix of declarations and code).
Moreover, the schema developer can take over and manually specify additional validation (that just can't be easily described in a simple, declarative manner):

export class ParentDao extends BaseParentDao {

        key: Y,
        value: 'A'
    async saveChildless(
        nonParent: Parent
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Additional logic here
        return await;

        key: Y,
        value: 'A' || 'B',
        children: [{
            key: Y,
            value: null || 'A' || 'B'
        }, {
            key: Y,
            value: 'C' || 'D'
        }, any(2)] || null
    async saveWithChildren(
        parents: Parents[]
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Additional logic here
        return await;


Finally, the schema developer may decide to completely lock down their API and provide a custom API that does not expose the call:

export class CustomApi {

    async saveChildless(
        nonParent: Parent
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Custom process logic
        const parentDao = await container(this).get(PARENT_DAO);
        return await parentDao.saveChildless(nonParent);

    async saveWithChildren(
        parents: Parents[]
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Custom process logic
        const parentDao = await container(this).get(PARENT_DAO);
        return await parentDao.saveWithChildren(parents);


export class ParentDao extends BaseParentDao {

        key: Y,
        value: 'A'
    async saveChildless(
        p: Parent
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Additional logic here
        return await;

        key: Y,
        value: 'A' || 'B',
        children: [{
            key: Y,
            value: null || 'A' || 'B'
        }, {
            key: Y,
            value: 'C' || 'D'
        }, any(2)] || null
    async saveWithChildren(
        p: Parents[]
    ):Promise<number> {
        // Additional logic here
        return await;

DI.set(PARENT_DAO, ParentDao);

Controlling cross-schema persistence

This scheme enables a fine-grained control over cross-schema persistence of the objects via either exposing or hiding .save access. If .save is exposed via @Api() then another schema can use it automatically. When it's entities are saved, any entities from other schemas that are passed in object graph will also be saved, assuming that the other schema's .save validation rules pass. If no .save calls are exposed then the developers another schema will be forced to use the CustomApi in a @Transactional() context

@Transactional() is back

This reminds me to mention something that I missed in the last post, with custom schema logic @Transactional() methods are back. This means that it's very natural and simple to make complex transactions that might not only do .save calls but also embedded queries, inserts, updates and deletes.

Remembering the old schema

The above also allows for more natural schema upgrades The basic concept behind new schema upgrades is that new versions of the schema can (voluntarily) retain .save APIs form previous versions of the schema, but with new adjustment logic that coverts the old entity format to the new schema. This allows Apps that are using older versions of the schema to still function (for example during a deprecation period). Also, this keeps the framework simple and gives schema developers the choice (and the responsibility) of either maintaining or not maintaining backward compatibility for their schemas, across as many versions as they see fit. They should be motivated by the fact that they are monetarily rewarded when their schema is used and maintain backward compatibility indefinitely.

To make this work AIRport will now retain older versions of the generated entity APIs in special sub-folders of the src/generated folder. So, for Parent, along with normal IParent there will also be IParent_1_0_0, IParent_2_0_0 and so on - one file for each version of the schema. This does bloat the project but not the run-time code since these are just interfaces.

This, of course, does not solve the problem of other schemas having queries that join against older versions of the tables. To fix this a new src/views directory will be provided with 1_0_0, 2_0_0 (and so on) sub-folders each of these sub-folders will contain logic that will maintain views of older versions of the tables so that they may be used by other schemas that have not yet upgraded.

Naturally migrating data

Lastly, having custom executable logic allows for very natural data migration code to be written as part of the regular schema code. A new src/dataMigration folder will be provided for that purpose, with 2_0_0, 3_0_0 (and so on) sub-folders. Each of these sub-folders will contain the logic necessary to migrate data in existing schemas versions to new versions, as well as to the DDL to add/remove columns, tables, indexes and views. But that is a topic for future discussion ...