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Interdependent Components

  • By Artem V. Shamsutdinov
  • September 1st, 2021

I've now come to a full realization of what logic in isloates mean - locally-run vetted components. This trully changes the way AIRport applications can be written. Apps are no longer required to maintain expensive (to most people on the planet) server side components. Also that allows for a degree of independent developer specialization that is already standard among most professional programmers and UI designers.

Any component not just schema

A few days ago it hit me - logic running in V8 isolates does not necesarily need to be tied to schemas. It can just as easily be logic that uses other schemas, without providing its own. And it can even be logic that does not use any schemas directly and only uses other components. Or, even using no components at all, itself being a core library used by others.

Serverless components and apps

This opens the door to an even greater degree of composability and reusability of AIRport components. Different components can slice and dice the data in different ways to arrive at different result types, meant for any number of different purposes. They can join together any number of schemas in any number ways leading to an invinite number of possibilites for how data is combined and used. This was also possible before but the logic running those schemas could not be vetted without relying on external public keys and checking the signature of evey request, and therefore a necessary backend component for evey app to sign those requests.

Now component authenticily can be verified without any server side components. The libraries themselves can be signed at developement time and the public key can be provided as a resource on a static page (backed by decetralized technologies like IPFS and Arweave). This reduces the maintenance costs of complex "relation database based" Apps down to an annual domain registration fee and one time payment (as is the case with Arweave) for application deployment. This trully lowing the barrier for entry into app development to anybody on the planet that can code, no matter what part of the world they live in and how much money they have. Even the maintenance of a domain name isn't required, as long as the developer doesn't need it for their branding.

Division of labor

What'seven more exiting is that business (and other complex) logic is no longer driven to the outside apps where it would be bundled with UIs. With the V8 isolates complex logic can now be provided without any UIs and external UIs can now come without any complex logic.

This allows even smaller groups of developers or even individuals to contribute to the ecosystem and realize monetary gains from it. From personal experience I know that as a backend developer it took me years of practice to get proficient at building good UIs (let alone at designing them I still float). With vetted logic in Airport, a really good backend developer can focus on writing very useful components and not worry about having to bundle a UI (that they aren't necessarily used to writing). While a web designer can now design a very good UI and plug it into the components written by the above mentioned back-end developer. And all without requiring a larger organization that would have to keep both them on staff and purse goal related more to money making than creativity. Now both of them can create functional product and fully utilize their creative potential as unconstrained, independent actors.

This effect greatly increases the number of developers that can productively contribute to the AIRport echosystem while remaining idependent. One no longer has to be good at everything and therefore can be better at more focused tasks. Even within back-end programming there can be a division of labor since logic can now be split up into a greater number of cooperating components. This was a main goal of AIRport from the begging - democratization of application development (while keeping data independent).

Of course with this approach a way of monetizing the efforts of all developers (schema, logic, UI) will have to be devised. The good thing is that with crypto currency splitting up micro payments becomes much easier. The trick will be in determining the value of each of the components relative to each other, as the revenue is being split among them. Different users can gain different quantity value from different components so it will probably have to be done dynamically and separately on each member device. The time for this functionality has not yet come ...